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Efficient bioremediation of radioactive

AEML is a creative and inclusive research group at the forefront of bioengineering and environmental engineering. We harness biology to address diverse critical challenges in the sustainable development and environmental pollution. Our mission is to develop microbial platforms to solve important global environmental problems.

* 녹색융합기술 특성화대학원 '포스트 플라스틱' 분야 선정

연구에 참여할 석 박사과정 대학원생 및 연구원을 기다리고 있습니다
연구에 열정을 가진 분들의 많은 연락 바랍니다

We are looking for new graduate students / researchers to join our group
If you are interested, please contact Prof. Choi via email

Research Interests


Development of genetic manipulation system for microbial platforms


Metabolic engineering for bioconversion of waste resources to value-added products

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Bioremediation using nanoparticle-containing microbial cells

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